
The establishment of the 'Noble Friends Rehabilitation Center'

The establishment of the 'Noble Friends Rehabilitation Center' at Jetavanarama Buddhist Monastery.

We offer our blessings to all who have contributed to the establishment of this centre, and may the immeasurable merit generated through this noble endeavour benefit all beings.

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Rains Retreat Meditation Programme

Weekend Meditation Retreat to Mark the Rains Retreat

Held every Sunday morning from 6:00 AM throughout the Rains Retreat, commencing with the Asala Poya Day.

This retreat will help you reflect on your spiritual life during the Rains Retreat and embark on the path to spiritual fulfillment.

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Walking meditation path

"In a time long past, 2600 years ago, the great Bodhisattva Siddhartha Gautama, burdened by the suffering of countless beings trapped in the endless cycle of samsara, resolved to find liberation. With unwavering determination, he sat under the Bodhi tree on the ‘Vajrasana’ and achieved supreme enlightenment.

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Grand offering of a solar powered electricity plant

The sages, replete with supreme wisdom, have declared in the four Vedas, 'Dharmo Rakshathi Rakshitha.' And the Buddha, who spreaded his command of Dhamma in Countless Universes, with his infinite compassion, taught, 'Dhammo Have Rakhkhathi Dhammachari.' This means that the supreme Dharma, the path of wisdom, protects those who follow it, and those who follow it are protected by it.

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A tribute to our heroes - 2024

On the occasion of the 15th Victory Day, members of the tri-forces and police personnel offered arms to 135 revered monks. They honored the memory of those who lost their lives during the war conflict and transferred merits.

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Welcome to Our Home

To the many men, women and children throughout the world looking for freedom from stress, anxiety, depression, addiction and the many other psychological issues of modern life, ...

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Royal Institute International School visit

Royal Institute International School has been a trailblazer in Sri Lanka, providing education to thousands of students over the past five decades. During a recent visit to the Jethanvanara Monastery, teachers, students, parents, and non-academic staff had the opportunity to witness firsthand the noble compassion extended to all who cross paths with us at the monastery.

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Transferring merits to deceased security personnel

The members of the security forces and monks, anagarikas and anagarikās who used to work in security forces, transferring merits to deceased security personnel.

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Unveiling the pinnacle of the stupa and enshrinement of sacred relics

Unveiling the pinnacle of the stupa and enshrinement of sacred relics took place from 23rd to 30th March, 2024.
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‘Dam Senevi’ Book Launching Ceremony

The debut volume of the ‘Nomiyena Minissu’ (Immortal People) book series, penned by author Harsha Bamunuarachi.

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Ayan Vassana Kalo 2024

Ayan Vassana Kalo 2024

Rains Retreat Invitation Ceremony will be held on Esala Poya day, the 20th of July from 6:00pm onwards.

Ordination Ceremony June 2024

Ordination Ceremony June 2024

The holy path of perfection, as sublime and flawless as the finest conch shell, fearless Nobles sons go forth thus,...

Vesak Festival 2024

Vesak Festival 2024

Vesak Festival 2024

Oil anointing ceremony

Oil anointing ceremony

Oil anointing ceremony is scheduled to take place on April 15, 2024 at 10.17 a.m.

Help us Help You

Help us Help You

As we usher in the new year, let us take a moment to reflect on the past year, and some of the things that we have...

Meth Shanthikarmaya 2023

To receive blessings for the upcoming year 2024, the Meth Shanthikarma ceremony will be held on December 31st at...

Ordination Ceremony December 2023

Join us to witness the transformation of seven of our best and most senior Anagarikas. They are about to embark on...

Katina Ceremony

2023 Katina Ceremony was held on 18th November at Jethavanarama Vihara.

Assistant High Commissioner of India

Recently, we were honoured to have the  Assistant High Commissioner of India grace our monastery with her presence. ...